Executive Committee meets

153rd Session of the Executive Committee (32)

Representatives of the countries that make up the Executive Committee met today in the 153rd Session.

This year, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, and Ecuador were elected as the Committee’s newest members during the 52nd Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for a period of three years, replacing the outgoing Member States of Grenada, Peru, and the United States.

The Executive Committee 2013–2014 members are the Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, and Paraguay.

The Director General of International Cooperation of Peru and outgoing President of the Executive Committee, Dr. Víctor Raúl Cuba Oré, expressed his personal satisfaction and that of his country at having had the opportunity to oversee the Committee and to contribute to this week’s Directing Council meeting, adding that he was “a witness and direct beneficiary of the excellent relations that exist between the PAHO Member States represented on the Committee.”

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